Redeveloped Temiskaming Lodge Celebrates Grand Opening

Minister of Long-Term Care Joins Residents and Families Members in Celebration

Temiskaming Shores - On May 8, 2024, the Temiskaming Lodge long-term care community celebrated the grand opening of their redeveloped home today. Residents and their family members, as well as team members and the broader community, were joined by Ontario's Minister of Long-Term Care, the Honourable Stan Cho, and the Mayor of the City of Temiskaming Shores, Jeff Laferriere, and David Jarlette (President of Jarlette Health Services) to officially cut the ceremonial ribbon and tour the home.

Minister Cho was greeted by Resident Council President, Karol, who presented the minister with a small gift from the community. Amidst live music and the happy chatter of those gathered, the aroma of hot beverages and freshly baked cookies filled the room, adding to the warmth of the event.

Formal speeches were offered by the home's administrator, Francine Gosselin, and Alicia Fader (Butterfly Lead), who is helping to guide the home on the journey toward full accreditation as a Butterfly Home, through Meaningful Care Matters, the organization to have pioneered the emotional care model known as the Butterfly Approach to Care.

Following remarks by Minister Cho, Mayor Laferriere and Jill Knowlton (Director of Long-Term Care for Jarlette Health Services), the special guests assisted Karol, as the representative of the home's residents, in cutting the ceremonial ribbon. The minister was then led on a tour of the modern home. Residents throughout the home enjoyed live music, fun activities and festive snacks while many had the opportunity to chat directly with the minister during his tour.

The redeveloped home offers 46 new and 82 upgraded beds to accommodate 128 residents in rooms designed with modern furnishings. It consists of four resident home areas, creating a more intimate and familiar living space, with dining and activity areas, lounges and bedrooms. Residents' care is centred around the Butterfly Approach to Care, delivering emotion-focused care for residents with dementia by creating comfort and warmth. The main floor features a community hub of senior services and includes a tuck shop, hair salon, multi-purpose room and cafe.

"This new long-term care home combines modern standards with the personal touches of a private residence," said Francine Gosselin. "With unique doors on every residents room, domestic furnishings and home areas named for familiar local places. Temiskaming Lodge is also on a journey to become a full Butterfly Home, focusing on the emotional well-being and dignity of residents, ensuring that in addition to excellent care, our residents will enjoy the quality of life they deserve."

Temiskaming Lodge serves culturally diverse senior-aged persons, including Francophone and Indigenous residents. The home has access to translators, bilingual team members, and partnerships with local cultural Centre's to deliver culturally-specific themed meals and programming. Current holistic programming provides multi-denominational spiritual programs and culturally-specific programming such as smudging ceremonies.

Temiskaming Lodge is grateful to the minister for his personal visit, as it is for the longstanding support of the Ministry of Long-Term Care and the broader Temiskaming Shores community, without which the redevelopment would not gave been possible!


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