Our Butterfly Gallery

There are many people involved in the transformation of a long-term care (LTC) community into a Butterfly community, but we have guides to make that journey easier! Mary Connell has experience in leading Butterfly transformations with other organizations, so we're thrilled to have her energy and experience. She leads the Butterly Leads in the homes which have embarked on their journey: Denise Erskine at Avalon Care Centre (Orangeville, ON), Stacey Januszewski at Alexander Place (Waterdown, ON) and Alicia Fader at Temiskaming Lodge (Haileybury, ON), along with other passionate team members.

Before many changes are apparent, there are months of training of team members, residents and the families of our residents. The journey is one of discovery, sharing experiences and education, with something for everyone to contribute and learn. The Butterfly Approach is a culture change as much as a physical one. The spaces our residents live in will be transformed, but so will mindsets! Culture change can be one of the most difficult and rewarding changes to pursue!

But that doesn't mean our team members can't also have some fun during their training!

Some of the early signs of change in the living environment at Avalon Care Centre included moving away from 'traditional' wall colours and toward vibrant colours which contrast well. These are easier for people living with dementia to see while also being expressive and joyful. Take a look! Avalon Care Centre is, first and foremost, a home to the residents who live there. That means the spaces which they live in should look, feel and function like their personal home. One example is that residents are able to grab a snack in a kitchen that feels like their own.

This also ensures that some of the routines of life in a long-term care community are made more personal. Residents do not need to wait until a shared meal time to have their favourite foods. The resident lounges also received a warm, home-like makeover!

Even furniture is being swapped out as we leave behind more of the 'traditional' environment of a long-term care home and embrace the fond experiences and memories of our residents and their own homes.

Butterfly journeys have launched now at Alexander Place and Temiskaming Lodge, so check back for updates from those homes, in addition to in our pilot home, Avalon Care Centre!

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